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Commitment to Health Promotion Workforce in WA

The Health Promotion Scholarship Program WA is open now – this is a great opportunity for people in WA.

The AHPA (WA Branch) is committed to improving the health status of all Western Australians by building the leadership capacity of our members and the broader health promotion workforce through developing the careers of health promotion professionals throughout the state. One way we’re able to achieve this is through the Health Promotion Scholarship Program.

The Scholarship Program, funded by Healthway, has hosted 96 recipients since its initiation in 1993.
The AHPA (WA Branch) Committee is pleased to announce that we have successfully secured funding from Healthway to continue to run the Scholarship Program until the end of 2019.

The Scholarship Program aims to provide recipients with the opportunity to conduct a health promotion project in a supportive environment, while also developing and improving their health promotion competencies. For the next two years, the AHPA (WA Branch) will continue to coordinate the Program by offering four health promotion scholarships per year to graduate and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recipients.

In a competitive working environment with limited entry level health promotion jobs, this one-of-a-kind scholarship program provides recipients with full-time wages for six months (or equivalent part-time) and an opportunity to develop their own health promotion project to develop their health promotion competencies, kick-starting their career in health promotion.

Government of Western Australia Option A with Healthway Logo high res

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