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APHP Queensland reports on advocacy for health promotion

Advocacy in Action: Proposal for a Queensland Health Promotion Commission

In March 2015, a change of state leadership provided optimism and hope for investment and future direction for health promotion in Queensland. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk made a pre-election commitment to establish a Queensland Health Promotion Commission - an indication that the value of health promotion and prevention is strongly on the government’s agenda.

The Queensland Branch Advocacy Committee, along with our National colleagues, prepared a submission to inform the state Inquiry into the establishment of a Queensland Health Promotion Commission. Subsequently, the Branch representatives were invited to attend a public hearing. The Health and Ambulance committee released a report of findings following the hearings.

The Branch eagerly awaits the outcomes of the inquiry and AHPA’s role in shaping the future of health promotion in Queensland.

To check out our submission, click here.

To view the committee’s report, click here (

Key learnings:

  • Don’t be shy to draw upon the experience and knowledge of Branch and National members – we are all passionate about the Health Promotion cause!
  • Good work takes time (and we are all time poor!) – before you tackle a submission, reflect on whether the value of participating in the opportunity out-weighs the commitment and ‘time factor’
  • Practice makes perfect – see it as a professional development opportunity. Our confidence will build with practice and time!

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Phone: 1300 857 796

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