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2023 South Australian Preventive Health Award - August 2023

The South Australian Preventive Health Award is a joint initiative of the South Australian branches of the Australian Health Promotion Association (AHPA) and the Public Health Association Australia.

The purpose of the award is to recognise outstanding contributions to health promotion and public health in South Australia. Together, our organisations emphasise the importance of investing in health promotion and illness prevention, developing healthy public policies, and ensuring that a wide range of social, behavioural, and environmental preventative services and programs are accessible to those who need them most.

In 2022, PHAA (SA) and AHPA (SA) launched the inaugural South Australian Preventive Health Award. The Award seeks to recognise and celebrate leadership and excellence in disease prevention and health promotion practice. Preventive health spans all phases of life and includes early intervention initiatives, health communication strategies, targeting risk factors, preventive health research, and actions to address the broader social, environmental, and political determinants of health and wellbeing. In 2023, we welcome applications from practitioners working in any area of preventive health, and within any sector, provided they meet the criteria. The award will be presented at the PHAA (SA Branch) Awards Night, Wednesday, 1st November 2023.

Who is eligible for nomination?
Any person or group of people who you believe has made a significant contribution to disease prevention and health promotion practice, teaching or research in South Australia, over a number of years.

Who can nominate?
Any financial member of PHAA or AHPA may nominate, provided you are familiar with the contribution made by that person/group. You do not need the prospective nominee’s permission to nominate them.

Selection Criteria:
Each application will be assessed against the following criteria using a scoring system: The nominee must be a person or group who:

  • demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the principles of preventive health
  • demonstrates excellence in their own professional practice
  • advocates for disease prevention and health promotion at the broader organisational level, demonstrating leadership in this area (e.g., through policy, service development, lobbying, community practice etc.)
  • is available as a resource person and/or mentor.

How do I nominate somebody?
For further information on nominations see the PHAA site about the award here.

If you would like to nominate somebody for the 2023 South Australian Preventive Health Award, please follow these steps:

  • Complete a nomination form (make sure it is signed) and provide a justification for the nomination, specifically addressing each of the selection criteria noted above
  • By 5pm Friday, 15th September 2023 forward your nomination to: Dr Nicole Miller (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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