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Volunteers needed – communications and project work

AHPA are seeking EOIs from members to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours during Oct-Dec to help the Executive Office with some time-limited communications and project work. If you have experience in writing copy (website, socials, newsletters), developing collateral (videos, images using Canva), and/or conducting desktop research, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the Executive Office by COB 15 October 2021 and provide one hundred words or less on your interest in volunteering, the skills you bring and your availability to contribute.

AHPA Communiqués

The Australian Health Promotion Association provides regular updates on our work.

Click here to access our communiqués

What's happening in AHPA's Branches?

Click here to find out what the different AHPA branches are doing.

Media Contact

AHPA Secretariat


Phone: 1300 857 796

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