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The Community Health Ethics Board (CHEB) Working Group is pleased to provide AHPA members with an update on the CHEB pilot project. The aim is to develop a model that will build understanding of ethics for health promotion practice and the development of ethical informed practices within health and community based organisations in Australia.


Organisational and individual perspectives were sought during the initial stage of the project to determine preferred CHEB models and characteristics. Qualitative data were collected from participants at workshops held at AHPA’s Health Promotion Symposium in Canberra in August 2018; and the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion in Rotorua in April 2019. An online survey was distributed to AHPA members in February 2019, followed by interviews last month with organisations that currently do not have access to a HREC and whose health promotion staff would be likely to use a CHEB.

Survey results are outlined in the infographic below, and the Working Group is currently analysing the interview results to finalise the recommendations for the CHEB model. Another update will be provided to AHPA members in the coming months. The CHEB Working Group would like to thank all workshop, survey and interview participants for their support and input.

If you have questions about this project please contact Dr Krysten Blackford at Curtin University on (08) 9266 2751 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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