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The NSW Health Regional Health Plan and the Implications for Health Promotion in Regional NSW

6 Jun 2023, 4:00pm-5:00pm


To provide an overview of the new NSW Health Regional Health Plan, and how this applies to the delivery of health promotion initiatives across the health promotion workforce in regional NSW.

Format of event:
Presentation delivered by keynote speaker (20 minutes) followed by panel discussion and Q&A (30 minutes).

Description of event:
NSW Health's Regional Health Division will present an overview of the new Regional Health Plan, with a particular emphasis on actions to be taken within the strategic priority of 'Keep people healthy and well through prevention, early intervention and education'. There will be a focus on how health promotion practitioners can contribute towards achieving this strategy and improving health outcomes for people in regional NSW as a result.
A panel discussion and Q&A session after the presentation will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions about the Plan, allow for discussion on how the Plan could be practically implemented, and discuss opportunities presented by the Plan.

AHPA members and non-members, some of whom may work with NSW Health organisations, other organisations (e.g. non-government organisations, universities, businesses etc.), and students. It is anticipated that the majority of attendees would be based in regional NSW, but the event may also be attended by people based in metropolitan areas if it is of interest to them. 


  • Michelle Maxwell - Director of Strategy, Governance and Delivery, Regional Health Division, NSW Ministry of Health


  • Emma Wooley - Southern NSW Local Health District
  • Kelly Andrews - Healthy Cities Illawarra
  • Gabriela Martinez - Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
  • Kylie Gwynne - Macquarie University

Event date and time:
Tuesday 6th June, 4-5pm (60 minutes).

The event will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams, to enable attendance from a broad range of people across NSW. The event will be open to both AHPA members and non-members.

To register for this event please click here