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Implementation and Healthcare Improvement Masterclass. Managing change for direct health impact.

10 Oct 2019 - 11 Oct 2019, 8:30am-5:00pm

Hear from internationally renowned experts on innovative means to improve the healthcare system as they provide an overview implementation science approaches, evaluations, stakeholder engagement and codesign of implementation projects with service users.
Professor Danny Liew, Chair of Clinical Outcomes Research, Head of Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Director of the Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education at the SPHPM, Monash University and consultant physician at the Alfred Hospital.

Professor Helena Teede, Director of Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation at the SPHPM, Monash University, Executive Director of Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre and endocrinologist.

Professor Helen Skouteris, Monash Warwick Alliance Professor of Healthcare Improvement and Implementation Science at Monash University.

Associate Professor Susannah Ahern, Head of the Registry Sciences Unit, Course Co-ordinator of the Masters of Health Services Management and Academic Lead for the Australian Cystic Fibrosis Data Registry.

Dr. Tracy Robinson, Senior Research Fellow at MCHRI, SPHPM, Monash University, Honorary Associate Professor at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick and currently leads the development of workforce and education programs at MCHRI.

Dr. Bengianni PIzzirani, Research Fellow in Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Evaluations, at MCHRI, SPHPM, Monash University.

Monash Partners Member Organisation Employees: $780
Non Monash Partners Member Organisation Employees: $980
Students: on application.
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