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National gun control update

27 Apr 2023, 12:00pm-12:45pm

April 2023 will be 27 years since the Port Arthur tragedy that was Australia’s worst modern mass shooting. While the issue of firearm violence is not usually high profile, it remains an important community safety one, and another example of commercial interests affecting community safety.

The Australian Health Promotion Association and the Public Health Association of Australia are proud founding members of the Australian Gun Safety Alliance (AGSA) which is an alliance of prominent national organisations who share concerns over firearm violence in our community.

Stephen Bendle, AGSA Convenor and AHPA & PHAA member, works across all jurisdictions on issues of firearm policy, legislation and regulation.

At this free event for AHPA and PHAA members Stephen Bendle will present an update on firearm safety efforts in Australia. Stephen will discuss the need for vigilance on our gun laws, the major challenges, what AGSA hopes to achieve, and how you can help.

Registration for this event is now closed. The meeting link will be circulated to all registrants on Wednesday 26 April. 

National time zones:

VIC/NSW/ACT/TAS/QLD: 12.00pm-12.45pm
SA/NT: 11.30am-12.15pm
WA:  10am-10.45am

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